Daddy Week

What on earth is going on NOW?

Sunday 16 March

First day

Awoke to the sound of a hairdryer being used downstairs. Odd, given the only female in the house was aged four at the time. Decided that intervention was in order, so shouted downstairs to turn it off and then retired, exhausted, to bed.

All children fed. Dog fed. Out of the house by 09:30 to get to the station for the main adventure of the day.

The Big Bang

Went to the Big Bang at the NEC, taking along my own child minders. As it turned out by virtue of me being the only gainfully employed member of the party, I was actually paying (via the free geriatric travel system) for everybody to go to the event!

The children were amazed by the height achieved by Pa when the "Big Bang" actually went off on the main stage, and this amusement continued until both of the senior child minders retired early taking number three off-spring with them.

Rockets, planes, cars and a trip to the careers stand ensued. Number one off-spring learned an important life lesson - never take careers advice from a careers advice centre! He was seriously dis-chuffed at the idea that he was not going to be an astronaut.

The evening

Amused myself by setting up this website. Also pondering on where the children's school uniforms are. I am sure that during the intense 72-hours of verbal briefing and 13 volume manual left on the kitchen worktop this was covered somewhere. Just hoping the children can let me in on the usual storage pattern before I have to take them to school in a princess dress and karate outfits tomorrow morning.


Number two child had an almost terminal splinter during the dog walk this afternoon. Managed to get him to bed without the promised second line antibiotics, anasthetics and visit by senior medical staff. I am sure he will remember in the morning.

Number one son fell over on the way to the station, and thanks to his Granny's off the cuff comments at the time, spent an hour explaining why we would not be suing the local authority as a result of the state of the pavement.