Day started well, albeit with a bracing cold shower to focus the mind. The boiler and the dog both need to dog/boiler up!
Number one son announced, just as he was walking out of the door, that he needed to have counted all of the buttons in his competition jar by this morning. I concluded that it was not possible to count over a thousand buttons and get all three into gainful education by 08:50 so the excitement of the competition will have to go on for another day.
Invested in new household cleaning product today. The F&B department will be excited upon its return from the works trip.
Some confusion seems to have reigned over clothing this morning. I left three piles in the front room. Daughter's clothes are difficult to get mixed up, but number two son went round today with exceptionally baggy trousers, and number one son is labouring under the misapprehension that he has grown four inches in the leg over the course of the weekend. May need to pay more attention to the dressing process tomorrow!